How to Pay

Payment for your ad or listing is simple!

Listing Payment

Just download, print, and completely fill out the PDF ad/listing form and mail it with your dollar. (You may send the listing as an email if sending a photo jpeg and/or use the online email form; just indicate on this sheet.) Make sure you are using a security envelope or just place the dollar in the ad sheet so it isn't able to be viewed. You may send up to $8/8 listings by cash. That's it! If you have more than 8 listings, then you may send a check as payment, but it will have to clear before the listing can be posted.

Box Dislpay Ad Payment

Just download, print, and completely fill out the PDF ad/listing form and mail it with your check or money order. Make sure you are using a security envelope or just place the payment in the ad sheet. (You must send the ad by email with jpeg ad attached unless you wish to have us design it.) That's it! Your check will have to clear before the listing can be posted.

Sending Ad Payment

Send to:
804 N. Rebecca Ave.
Scranton, PA 18504