Herb Kilmer Pennsylvania Bluestone

Herb Kilmer & Sons Pennsylvania Bluestone - Our Products

For over a century, the farming settlers of Pennsylvania would gather the large stone from their fields, and, letting nothing go to waste, use the large rocks for fencing and division of property. Through years of weathering, the aging process has taken its toll, making these fieldstone walls even more unique. It is this aging process that accounts for the moss covered stone valued so highly until this day for beautiful and functional stone walls. View our Landscaping section...

Beauty and Function
With the experts at Herb Kilmer & Sons and your imagination, the beauty, utility and function of your stone project is as endless as the mountains in Northeasten Pennsylvania! View our Beauty and Function section...

Pennsylvania bluestone is a natural stone quarried in strip mines throughout Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New York. Each quarry renders stone that has a color, texture, and quality all its own. The different colors and textures, plus its natural cleft surface make this product unique.! View our Exteriors section...

Herb Kilmer & Sons Inc. Pennsylvania Bluestone | Phone: 570.434.2060| Email: hkstone@nep.net | Home